Our Christmas Tree.

Warming their hands by the fire.

I worked again Saturday. When I got off we watched the BYU/Utah game, which unfortunately we lost. Then we went to dinner and a dollar movie. My parents had to leave early Sunday morning so they headed to the hotel for the night. It was so much fun to have them here for Thanksgiving, and even better I get to see them in less than a month!
Also a cool side note. When Ashley and I showed up to church on Sunday LaVell Edwards was sitting on the stand. He and his wife were the speakers in our ward. After the meeting we said hi and thanked him for his talk but we didn't shake his hand. When we got in the car we were talking about how mad we were that we didn't, so we parked again and ran back in to shake his hand but he was already gone. And yes we do realize it is kind of dorky but we also don't care at all!
It was a great few days and I can't wait to be with the whole family for Christmas.