Monday, March 23, 2009

The Last Birthday!

Sunday was Katie's birthday. We began the celebration on Saturday night by finally making it up to some hot springs. It was REALLY hot, like painfully so, but it was still fun! I have the worst time trying to keep my eyes open in pictures so these were the best we could get and we took like 10. In my defense it was dark and the flash was really bright.
On her actual birthday she celebrated with her family and I celebrated by staying up until 4:30 am finishing a 12 page paper. We did give her her presents though we got her Bolt because she loves Disney movies and a shirt.
Then on Monday we went to dinner at Panda and ate cake. I'm not going to lie I am pretty proud of this cake. Katie collects teddy bears so we gave her a cake bear to add to the collection, until we ate it. This is Tucker I think he is pretty cute.
That's it for birthdays this month. So we have a break and now I can look forward to graduation, and Festival of Colors this weekend.

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