I did it, I graduated from BYU! I really can't believe it, the past four years went so fast. (Just a warning this blog will be somewhat long and have lots of pictures. Taryn this is mostly for you, you can really feel like you were there!) My parents came out for graduation and I was very happy to have them here to celebrate with me. On Thursday there was the big commencement ceremony where all the graduates are together. President Uchtdorf and Elder Nelson spoke. It was very cool, Katie and I walked in together. I was also happy to find the girls from my senior group and to get a picture with them.
I was able to find Jonny and my parents in the crowd and they were able to see me so that was cool. We got lots of pictures after. This is my favorite picture of Katie and me.
Jonny's family was there for Aaron's graduation so I got a picture with his sisters. Yes, Hannah is almost as tall as me and I am in heels and she is not. So that was about it. I'm done, I am a BYU graduate! I loved my four years at BYU. Thank you to everyone who helped me through those years. I could not have done it without you. My parents, my sisters, Jonny, my professors, my friends and my Heavenly Father. I'm excited to be done and nervous and excited about the future.
Holly, I'm so proud of you! Your pictures are so cute. I loved looking at them all! Congrats on being DONE!
Thanks, I did appreciate the long post :) The pictures are all adorable, you all look so good and happy, I'm so sad that I wasn't able to be there, but I'm glad that I was able to be there for 3 years of the experience :) What an accomplishment, I am very proud of you and how well you did in all your classes and learned to really love your major and what you will soon be doing in a career. Love you lots! Talk to you soon.
I loved all the pictures Holly. We were so happy to be there for you and are extremely proud of you and your accomplishments. We are always here for you. Good luck with the internship and job hunting. We love you.
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