I got to go home for a few days last week. My mom called like two weeks ago and told me my aunt was going to be driving from Provo to Davis and said that I should drive with her and then they would fly me home. So last Tuesday I went home! It was really nice to be home. I enjoyed getting to spend time with my family and see all the kitties and Lassen. I also got some doctors appointments out of the way. I went shopping with my mom at Galleria which is always fun. We got to go to H&M which I love.

I got lots of nice work clothes, now I just need a job. They will come in handy for interviews and it is nice to just have some professional clothes. We also found suspenders for me to wear for Aaron and Elena's wedding. I got to eat at some good Davis spots Pluto's and of course In n Out. We also went to the Farmers Market which I haven't been to in awhile. We also went to see Love Happens.

I liked it a lot. I thought it would be funnier but it was still great. I want her house. I left early Saturday morning. It was really nice to take a break from the job hunt but now it is time to get back to it.