Monday, September 28, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I got to go home for a few days last week. My mom called like two weeks ago and told me my aunt was going to be driving from Provo to Davis and said that I should drive with her and then they would fly me home. So last Tuesday I went home! It was really nice to be home. I enjoyed getting to spend time with my family and see all the kitties and Lassen. I also got some doctors appointments out of the way. I went shopping with my mom at Galleria which is always fun. We got to go to H&M which I love.
I got lots of nice work clothes, now I just need a job. They will come in handy for interviews and it is nice to just have some professional clothes. We also found suspenders for me to wear for Aaron and Elena's wedding. I got to eat at some good Davis spots Pluto's and of course In n Out. We also went to the Farmers Market which I haven't been to in awhile. We also went to see Love Happens. I liked it a lot. I thought it would be funnier but it was still great. I want her house. I left early Saturday morning. It was really nice to take a break from the job hunt but now it is time to get back to it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's official!

I am a BYU graduate! I know I had a long post full of pictures of graduation back in April but that was just walking. I had to finish up an internship during the Spring/Summer terms before I got my diploma. But last week my diploma got here. YAY! So now I just need to find a job. No easy task in this economy. I loved my college experience. I loved the classes I took and I love my major. I really want to find a job in my field but that might not be possible right now. Part of me (a big part) is glad to be done with school- no more tests, no more papers. However, another part of me kind of wishes someone would hand me a syllabus that would tell me what is coming in the next few months. Either way I'm excited to find a job and get started in my career!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Kindra!

Saturday was my new roommate Kindra's 21st birthday so I made her a cake. She requested Funfetti with rainbow chip frosting. I love that kind so I was happy to do it. My only problem is that frosting makes it very hard to decorate. I mean it is kind of a decoration on its own but I still like to decorate it. So thank you to Karleigh for the idea! Here is the cake.The squares are made of blue sprinkles. I made a stencil out of wax paper and there ya go! She seemed to like it a lot so I was happy. Now I just need to get some cake pans that are something other than 9x13. Making and decorating those gets old. Hopefully I'll get around to get before the March birthday rush!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Before and After

So I am a little behind with the blogging so here is an update of some of what has been happening, as before and afters.
So first is moving. Ok, so here is the before.
We had our beautiful tree and they painted over it while we were trying to move out.We stayed up VERY late and then woke up VERY early. Which lead to me wear rain boots with shorts (I don't know why I'm holding detergent). It was a very long process and it was very tiring but now I have a nice new place with my own room and bathroom and a nice big bed.
So here is the after. My new room and a wall in the dining area.
Another quick before and after. Below is our quote board that is now a picture wall.
Before... This big hunk of raw pork (12 pounds to be exact) was cut down into pieces and all the fat was cut off (not a fun process)...After it became a delicious Cafe Rio style pork salad...So this one isn't the one we actually made but I forgot to take a picture so you get to see this one.
And finally...
Before I was really excited to watch these teams play and was even more excited when BYU won. It was pretty much amazing. I love college football and it is even better when the Cougars win. It was a great game and BYU totally dominated even though the score doesn't really reflect that. And after the three of us went to the Provo Airport at 1:30 am...and joined all of these people...
in welcoming home these guys...It was really fun to be there with a bunch of people. Everyone was cheering and when the plane doors opened it was insane people were chanting BYU and Bronco and singing the fight song. We got to give high fives to lots of the players and Bronco gave a quick speech. Here's Bronco with his police escort. So glad he decided to go for it on fourth and four!
So that is an recap of what has happened over the past couple of weeks.