I love Christmas and really the whole Christmas season. I had fun decorating my apartment with my roommates and we all had fun at our ward Christmas party, we pretty much had an awesome table and just had fun. Jonny, Ashley and I went to Temple Square to enjoy the lights, it was Ashley's first trip. It was beautiful and we enjoyed it, despite the freezing cold.
The Roommates at the Christmas party.

Jonny and me at the party.

Then of course I returned to California and went to San Diego for Christmas. We went down on the 20th and just got back on the 27th. Taryn and Grant came down too, so we were happy to have them. We went to the beach one day and Taryn and I braved the cold air and water and went in, fun but freezing. Karleigh and I hung out with our cousins Breanne and Brittany, we went to a movie and a big Christmas celebration at this guys house, with lots of decorations, it was pretty impressive, then we went to our cousin Trevor's house and watched a movie. We of course had our Christmas Eve dinner at my aunt and uncle's. I always love it, all of my dad's side of the family gets together, we have dinner, sing songs, play bells (they are like pipes that when hit play different notes), and open presents, this year we were treated to a performance by my cousins son, it was adorable.
The Rose girl cousins on Christmas Eve.

Trevor and me on Christmas Eve.

Then on Christmas morning my family opened presents from each other then in the evening my mom's family came over to celebrate. It was lots of fun and I always love seeing family and catching up. I'm always sad when Christmas is over, I love the excitement and
feeling that goes along with the whole season but I am excited for the new year, I hope it holds
new and exciting things for everyone!
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