A side note. If you ever get your phone wet put it in a bag of rice and it dries it right up. That's what I did and my phone is all better now!
fa’ther n 1 a male parent. 2 a person who begins, invents, or first makes something. 3 one who is an example. 4 one who supports: financially, emotionally, spiritually. 5 one who coaches soccer teams. 6 one who believes in his children. 7 one who loves unconditionally. 8 one who tells juvenile delinquent stories. 9 one who guides. 10 one who does not use a cell phone. 11 one who listens to NPR on the way to seminary. 12 one who rides bikes, swims, and works out almost nightly. 13 one who teaches. 14 one who loves In-N-Out. 15 one who loves crunchewy chocolate chip cookies. 16 one who likes to experiment in the kitchen. 17 one who is practical. 18 one who will do anything for his family. 19 one who teaches daughters how to drive. 19 one who jokes. 20 one who encourages. 21 one who says “I love you.”
Synonyms: patriarch, dad, example, teacher, friend
Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you