This last week has been extremely crazy, I'm so happy that it is over. I spent last weekend in Logan for Jonny's grandma's funeral, so time was spent with his family and not much work got done. I was also recovering from a stomach flu I had had since Wednesday. So here is a run done of what I had to do last week: I had to take an accounting test by Tuesday, write a book review on a book that was 350 pages (I was only on page 50), meet with a counselor to make sure I could graduate, apply for graduation, do a research presentation, help Karleigh register for classes, do research for a presentation I have to give on Monday and then do all of my normal class readings and home work. Some how I made it through all of this work and I actually got to relax some this weekend. I still had to do some work but I had the weight of having to do SO much gone, it was nice. I saw Quantum of Solace on Saturday night
, it was excellent, I think I still like C
asino Royale more but I don't know, this new one was confusing, I'll have to see it again. My "almost there" title refers to a few things first the BYU/Utah football game, I can't wait and I totally have faith in my cougars they can do it again (remember 2 years ago or last year?)! second going home! I can't wait I haven't been home for Thanksgiving since my freshman year which means I can go get our Christmas tree! and of course just Thanksgiving in general, I love it but it always gets looked over because people want to celebrate Christmas right after Halloween!
Third I'm almost done with college...I have one semester left after this one then a summer internship and I will have my college diploma! I can't believe it, part of me will miss it but mostly I'm ready to be done. Time really goes by so fast.

1 comment:
Yes, you will miss college as weird as it sounds. But it is totally relieving to be done as well. Sorry I've made you stay in Utah for so many Thanksgivings! Glad you get to go home this year, wish I was going to be there too :(
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