The chance I had to come home for Thanksgiving. For all this wonderful food my parents prepared.
I'm thankful for our family tradition of going to see movies for Thanksgiving so that we could go see this...

(as a side, I am thankful Taylor Lautner is attractive shirtless so it could remove the image of Robert Pattinson shirtless from my mind.) I am thankful for Will Ferrel's comic genius that brought me this movie...

I am thankful that I finally grew out of my aversion to Christmas music and that I am looking forward to listening to it tomorrow. I am thankful for whipped cream that makes pumpkin pie delicious. I am thankful that I will be able to go with my family to get our Christmas tree tomorrow. Most importantly I am thankful that I have all of these people in my life.
I'm thankful for the holiday season and the chance it gives me to be with my family and friends. I am thankful for so much more but this is a good list for now.
I hope I look as hot in my apron as you did in yours :) So cute. I'm thankful for you too!
Okay...first things first. You want to remove RPs image from your head? Have you gone to the dark side now? Emily and I agree that TL is much more attractive, but we are still and always will be Team Edward.
Also, is pumpkin pie not good without whip cream? I made a 12 layer cake for Paige and Jack's birthday....wish you could have tried it. We had cheese cake, pecan pie, 2 pumpkin pies and 14 layer cake along with 2-23 lb. turkeys and a ton of other food. We are, no doubt, sick now.
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