Christmas was amazing. I love spending time with my family and friends. We had a very low key Christmas Eve, mostly wrapping last minute presents. Karliegh and I didn't wake up until almost9. I think it is the latest Christmas morning ever. We came out side by side this year.
Christmas Morning. (yeah I blinked. BIG surprise!)
Showing off my new camera! It's red and tiny and I love it.
I got lots of clothes and a GPS I'm pretty excited about that because now I can know how fast I'm driving! I FINALLY got to give Karleigh her present. I got her Calamity Jane (we LOVED it when we were younger and still do) I got it back in October and have been waiting to give it to her. I also got to give Jonny his blanket it is giant! The Andersons came over for a delicious dinner we has prime rib, mashed potatoes, orange rolls and more. I was bad at taking pictures (my battery was charging) but here are a few including one of the beautiful table.
Waiting for dinner.

We had fun talking with everyone. We also played our new game Pictureka. It was lots of fun. I love the holidays. Jonny's family postponed Christmas a few days so that Aaron and Elena could be there. So their Christmas Eve was Sunday night so I went over to celebrate with them. We had their traditional dinner: a Swedish dish which is rice topped with whipped cream and pineapple, parsnips (they have fun with how gross they are I just hate the texture), ribs and potatoes. We had a Christmas program: singing and the Christmas story. Then we opened Christmas pajamas. I even got a pair. They are pretty much awesome. Yes they are one piece.
Yeah we're cool.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We missed seeing our extended family and Taryn and Grant but we had fun together.