Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thank you Taryn!
I pretty much have an awesome older sister. Today Karleigh and I got a package from her with pictures fr
om when we visited her this summer and UK hats, mine is blue Karleigh's is pink, so we can support the Wildcats here in Provo. So thank you Taryn, I always love getting mail, even just letters, so a package is extra amazing! So yeah the package was pretty much the highlight of my week so far. The rest of the week has pretty much been realizing that I have a ton of stuff due this week and tests to take and not having a start on it at all. Like when at 1 a.m. getting an email from a guy asking for notes so he could do our exam due Tuesday, I totally forgot, I was think it was due Thursday and so I had to do it all Monday night but it worked out. I think after this week things will calm down. So I'm pretty excited for Halloween even though I'm not totally sure what I'm doing, possibly a party at Jonny's, but I don't know. I haven't even carved a pumpkin! I also don't know what to be...I can't top last years, Pam Beasley with Jonny as Michael Scott. But that idea came to me at the last minute so maybe I'll get another good idea who knows! Well happy Halloween everyone! Thank you again Taryn, the pictures will go up soon!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Cheetahs and Falcons are Stupid

I will have to give a little preface to this post. I love fruit snacks and for some reason I really love the cheap store brand ones here, the dinosaur ones to be exact. And my favorite dinosaur is a triceratops. Ok so now that you know that I can begin my story.
Jonny and I were at church today and I had my dinosaur fruit snacks in my purse so i took them out and was sharing them with him. First he thought that my favorite was a stegosaurus, then he remembered that is Taryn's favorite. Then when he remembered what mine was he had the nerve to say that triceratops were stupid and that he hated them! That then led to a discussion of The Land Before Time (the original none of this Land Before Time 8 the musical crap). For those of you who don't know the movie well it is about young dinosaurs and I am sad t

The Acedemy Is...Amazing!
Today was an awesome day. Over month ago Ashley convinced me to buy tickets to The Academy Is
concert and we have been looking forward to it and it was tonight. But before the concert Jonny and I got to go to the BYU football game, sadly it was because Karleigh is getting a cold and didn't feel up to going, so thanks for the tickets Kars and feel better! We won YAY go cougars! but we should have won by more but that's ok. The people sitting behind as were EXTREMELY annoying and rude, even when someone on OUR team was seriously injured, they were being jerks but whatever. Then we went to Salt Lake to the Gateway for a bit then to the concert which was to
tally awesome I loved it. We The Kings and The Academy Is... were co-headlining and they were both amazing and then Hey Monday and Carolina Liars opened for them, they were also really good. Jonny and I totally jumped in and pushed our way to the front and we were jumping and going crazy, his watch got ripped off and so we had to try to find it with tons of people smashed together jumping on us, one guy helped, so thanks to him that was really nice, we did eventually find it I have no idea how. I am also very proud of battle wound, a bruised and swollen ankle! Yeah, so my ears are still ringing and everything sounds muffled but that's ok I had a great time. But now my body is sore and I'm exhausted. I put a few pics up here and I'll put more on facebook so you can check that out!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So Tired
So it is like 2 in the morning and I am way tired but I cannot fall asleep, which is really annoying since I haven't gotten to bed at a good time all week and all last weekend, and because I am so tired my eye twitches and it has been doing it since Sunday. I did have an awesome weekend though, Friday was our apartment girls night. It was tons of fun: girl bonding, movies, nail painting, sorry boys no pillow fights, but we did make some pretty awesome dance videos. It was cool to get to hang out with everyone since no one is ever around at the same time. So needless to say I got almost no sleep that night. Then on Sat. Jonny and I went to Logan to visit his grandparents. His Grandma Harris is really sick so we wanted to get out to see her, we also saw his Anderson grandparents and some cousins, it was a good trip but we got back late so again not much sleep. The because I had procrastinated, I had to write a speech for my PR class on Sunday and it took a long time to get enough content and then edit it and all that, so that was another 2a.m. night. But I'm going to look on the bright side in that it is already Wed. and so I am almost to the weekend. YAY! and our The Academy Is... concert is this weekend I'm very excited! So yeah, there is a quick rundown of my weekend and why I am so tired!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A- Attached or single: Attached...a boyfriend of 4.5 years.
B- Best Friend: I'll have to go with Jonny.
C-Cake or Pie: Cake, but recently I have really wanted pumpkin pie.
D-Day: Friday! Especially one like tomorrow where I don't have class!
E- Essential Item: My cell phone
F- Favorite Color: oh I don't know right now green I think
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: I'll go with bears because I love Haribo Gummy Bears
H-Home town: Davis, California!!!
I- Indulgences: ice cream, clothes, shoes
J- January or July?: probably July because by January in Utah I'm sick of the cold
K-Kids: No, but I do want them in the future
L-Life is incomplete without: family, Jonny, friends
M- Marriage Date: Don't have one yet, anniversary of dating is April 14
N- Number of Siblings: Three. Two sisters I'm in the middle
O- Oranges or Apples: It depends on my mood but probably apples and I agree with Taryn and I guess Jenny NOT red delicious
P- Phobias or Fears: Losing the people I care about and running over a cat
Q- Quote: I have so many but for right now I'll go with..."If you're a bird I'm a bird." Not as profound as Taryn's but I like it. It is from the Notebook Noah says it to Allie, I think its sweet.
R- Reason To Smile: I have a really cool tree on my wall
S- Season: I used to say winter, when I didn't live where it was freezing all the time but now I'll say Fall because I love sweaters and all that but it isn't too cold
T- Tag: Jess, Karleigh, Janet, Ashley...people who are bored and want something to do.
U- Unknown fact about me: I know way too much about sports.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I like meat.
W- Worst Habit: I don't know, but I do start talking about something and assume people know what I'm talking about so I'll say something like "She said..." and no one knows who "she" is
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I don't know I've never had an injury where I would need one.
Y-Your favorite food: so hard to choose! I love In N Out but I don't know that it is my favorite food
Z: Zodiac Sign: Pisces
B- Best Friend: I'll have to go with Jonny.
C-Cake or Pie: Cake, but recently I have really wanted pumpkin pie.
D-Day: Friday! Especially one like tomorrow where I don't have class!
E- Essential Item: My cell phone
F- Favorite Color: oh I don't know right now green I think
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: I'll go with bears because I love Haribo Gummy Bears
H-Home town: Davis, California!!!
I- Indulgences: ice cream, clothes, shoes
J- January or July?: probably July because by January in Utah I'm sick of the cold
K-Kids: No, but I do want them in the future
L-Life is incomplete without: family, Jonny, friends
M- Marriage Date: Don't have one yet, anniversary of dating is April 14
N- Number of Siblings: Three. Two sisters I'm in the middle
O- Oranges or Apples: It depends on my mood but probably apples and I agree with Taryn and I guess Jenny NOT red delicious
P- Phobias or Fears: Losing the people I care about and running over a cat
Q- Quote: I have so many but for right now I'll go with..."If you're a bird I'm a bird." Not as profound as Taryn's but I like it. It is from the Notebook Noah says it to Allie, I think its sweet.
R- Reason To Smile: I have a really cool tree on my wall
S- Season: I used to say winter, when I didn't live where it was freezing all the time but now I'll say Fall because I love sweaters and all that but it isn't too cold
T- Tag: Jess, Karleigh, Janet, Ashley...people who are bored and want something to do.
U- Unknown fact about me: I know way too much about sports.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I like meat.
W- Worst Habit: I don't know, but I do start talking about something and assume people know what I'm talking about so I'll say something like "She said..." and no one knows who "she" is
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I don't know I've never had an injury where I would need one.
Y-Your favorite food: so hard to choose! I love In N Out but I don't know that it is my favorite food
Z: Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Trixie, Roxy and Houdini
It took less than a week of Jonny being out in Utah before he realized their were kittens living in his backyard and in the empty lot behind it. He spent the next few days trying to catch them. In the process he met his neighbor whose wife is able to pickup all these little kittens and would be happy to catch a few for us. Well now Jonny lives in a house and Austin said he would be happy to have cats. So now Jonny and Austin have three adorable new roommates. Trixie, Roxy and Houdini. It is kind of hard to tell the girls apart in my picture but Roxy is thee all gray one on the left and Trixie has some stripes. Houdini is the black and white boy with a moustache. They are all pretty sweet most of the time. They are definitely warming up to us. Roxy is funny because one minute she will be super sweet and purring and the next minute she is hissing at you, we think she may be bipolar. Trixie is sweet but I have to say that Houdini is the most relaxed he doesn't really get riled up about anything. Well they are about 8 weeks old and they are SUPER soft. We love them but I of course still miss my babies Boston and Tokyo, no cat will ever replace them. Now Taryn can't be mad that I didn't blog about the cats!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Things I love
Jonny just moved into a house with his cousin Austin and so of course they need
a few things and we were talking about going out to Ikea and I was talking about how much I love it and it made me think of all the random things that I love and I just wanted to share those things with everyone. I of course love my family, Jonny, my friends and my animals, this list is the less obvious things, the simple things that make me happy. As already stated Ikea, if you haven't been there go! I just love looking at all the furniture
and decorations and I really love bed spreads don't ask me why I just do, I think I like all the patterns. I also love looking at all the pictures they have. I also love Costco, another must go. I love the towel section at Bed, Bath and Beyond, there are just so many pretty colors, I also love bright colored towels. I love the smell rain, more specifically the smell of asphalt when it rains. I also love lightning but I always seem to miss it! I love name plants, yes giving plants names, I currently have two, Theodore and Javier. I love shoes it is bad I have way to many but I love them and purses! Right now I love my new boots I wish I had a picture! I love pictures, taking them looking at them whatever, the one thing I hate about digital cameras is you don't go get pictures developed anymore so there isn't the excitement of se
eing them for the first time. I love making collages, I used to do it all the time. Reading is always good as long as I get to choose the book! I love to plan, I don't know why most people hate it but I think it's fun! I also love sporting events and sports in general. I love going to games, especially BYU football, I just love the energy and excitement. I love when you have a song that you just can't get enough of, right now it is Hot n Cold by Katy Perry. I love random quotes from movies or friends that make you laugh. There is more but I'm tired and I love sleep but I'm going to end with I love laughing so hard that your stomach hurts or until you can't breath.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Cougar
I'm super excited Jonny found out tonight that he got accepted to BYU, he is officially a cougar. He submitted his application on Oct. 1st and found out today, the 6th so it was very fast. We were checking out a movie at RedBox when he got and email on his iPhone telling him a decision had been made regarding his application. He was a little worried because he had been told there was a chance that he had too many credits to be able to transfer so he worried the only way they made the decision so fast was they saw his credits and rejected him. So we sat down at the bench and he used his phone to log on and see if he got in. We were both really nervous, he read through what was written while I sat there waiting and I was freaking out because I could not read his expression at all. I kept asking him to tell me what was going on but he just kept reading, when he got to the bottom he just hugged me and said "I'm in." I actually shrieked and hugged him back and then totally started tearing up! Then of course we called everyone. I'm so proud of him and I knew he could do it, he is amazing. So that is my exciting news for the day. It's been a pretty good past few days I got to go home, Jonny moves out to Utah with me and then he gets into BYU!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Road Trip Birthday Surprise!
My dad's birthday
was today, Oct 3, so Karleigh and I decided to drive home for the weekend to surprise him. Our mom knew we were coming as well as our boyfriends but Dad had no idea, we had to tell a few white lies to trick him. We left right after our classes and got into Davis at about 8:00. We had a big sign we made for him and bows on our foreheads, we were pretty much the most awesome present ever! The trip actually didn't take too long, we made pretty good time even though we had to do the last two hours in pouring rain, my favorite way to drive windy mountain roads in the dar
k in the rain! haha not! Karleigh and I had fun though, she drove the manual for the first time, well we went out and practiced once but this was her first time for real. She did really well, we had a slight scare with a construction zone, her lane ended and we were forced to drive in the emergency lane and she had to slow way down but she handled it well. We kept ourselves occupied by rockin' out to boy bands and Hot n Cold by Katy Perry. We also got out In n Out which was of course amazing! It was great to get to surprise Dad and to see Mom and our boys after over a month apart!
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