This post is inspired by a conversation that I had with my dad today concerning my favorite book as a child. This got me thinking about all of my favorite books as a child.
Over the past few years a few of my favorite children's books have been changed into movies. Starting with...

I loved this book when I was little. The pictures were amazing and the story was great. I was excited when I first found out about the movie. However, the movie kind of creeped me out. There animated characters seemed too real and the hobo on the train was kind of scary.

The graphics were impressive but it was weird. I also didn't like how much they added to make it a movie.
The next was...

Again, great book. One of my favorites. Again, I was excited for the movie but after the previews came out I got a little nervous. Probably one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen.

The boy and the wild things had some serious issues. Max doesn't even end up "where the wild things are" in the same way. I also felt like I was missing something the entire time.
The final book to movie...

The town of Chew and Swallow. I actually liked this movie. I thought it was cute. But it is still so different. I mean the book didn't have a clumsy inventor who made water into food. In the book the weather just is food. Also amazing to me, the color difference. Compare the book cover to the movie...

Ok now to the real point of this post. My all time favorite children's book. It will likely never be made into a movie but it was my favorite growing up and I will read it to my kids and to their kids.

For those of you who don't know this story it is about Ferdinand the bull. He loves to sit under a tree and smell the wildflowers. Through a series of events this peaceful bull finds himself the "star" of a bullfight. I don't know why I loved this book so much. The pictures have little to no color and I feel like color pictures is a big draw to little kids. I guess the story just got me.

My dad called me this evening said he thought of me because my mom had just purchased this book for a little boy. My dad read the book and had a little laugh remembering how much I loved it. Apparently it was in the movie Blind Side which makes me happy. If you have not read this book READ IT! It will take five minutes and it will make you happy. I need to find a copy to have for my kids. I'm almost positive my childhood copy is still on the bookshelf in my room at home.
Awesome post my dear. Ferdinand is my alltime favorite too. I have a small collection of my childhood favorites and Ferdinand is one of them. The others are Blueberries for Sal, Bread and Jam for Frances, Mop Top and Madeline. I have a huge collection of books. One of my prized posessions.
I remember you loving Ferdinand! haha. love it
Your copy is indeed on your bookshelf at home. When I purchased the book the other evening, the clerk remembers there being a Disney short made from it. Her grandfather use to work for Disney, and so she was familiar with it as well as "Laaaaambert!"
Yay Ferdinand! Love it :)
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