Monday, September 29, 2008


I hate being sick. I know everyone does but yeah it totally sucks. I got a sore throat on Sunday and then it just got worse. I made it most of the way through my first class before I had to get up and leave because I was so miserable, and then I went to the second half of my evening class. I don't know what is wrong with me, I think it is just a really bad cold, it is mostly just a sore throat and then as the day goes on the other symptoms change. I decided the worst part about it was not having Jonny, my mom or Taryn here to make me feel better. I do have Karleigh, but going to the dorms doesn't help, you want to get out of the dorm. Hopefully tonight I'll actually get to sleep, I medicine and cough drops. Mostly I just hope I feel better for the weekend.

1 comment:

Grant and Taryn Layton said...

Sad :( I hope that you feel better. I wish I was there to take care of you.